SWA Laughter Yoga Wellness Club

Laughter Yoga Health Craze Sweeping the World. Laughter Yoga is not a comedy. It is an exercise program for Health and Wellbeing. The yoga part of Laughter is the combination of Laughter Exercises with yoga breathing techniques ( Pranayama ). It was founded by a medical doctor Dr Madan Kataria in 1995. There are more than 20,000 free social Laughter Clubs in 110 countries.

Laughter Yoga is also being practised in Senior Centres & Homes, Aged Care Facilities, Schools, Colleges, Companies, Factories, Physically and Mentally Challenged, Police, Prisons and Voluntary Welfare Organisation (VWO).

SWA Members

SWA laughter yoga to bring more laughter and joy for our members through the daily practice of Laughter Yoga to get physical, mental and emotional benefits of laughter. Sessions via Zoom on 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month from 8.30 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. It was conducted by certified laughter yoga leaders, Wendy Khon, Angela Wong and Fang Fang, with Sara Mei Woo as an advisor.

Ren Ci Community Hospital

It is a joint project with SWA Laugher Yoga Wellness club and Laughter Yoga Singapore Wellness and Training centre to provide physical, mental and emotional benefits of laughter to the residents in the community hospital and senior care centres. Sessions via Zoom are conducted once a week. Leaders are Angela Wong, Fang Fang and Faith Ong with Sara Mei Woo as an advisor.

Sree Narayana Mission (SNM) Singapore

The sessions are conducted once a week for the seniors at Senior Activity Centre. Leaders are Angela Wong, Fang Fang and Faith Ong with Sara Mei Woo as an advisor.

Certified Laughter Yoga Leader Training

Learn to bring joy and wellness to others through the power of laughter! This fun, hands-on training gives you everything you need to lead uplifting sessions in your community. Join our supportive team and make a positive difference. Registration closes June 15, 2025 – don't miss out!