Ho Shiong Yee

Ho Shiong Yee

Ho Shiong Yee served as Assistant General Secretary of the United Workers of Petroleum Industry (UWPI) and Branch Secretary from 1986 till March 2022. She was promoted as the Deputy Office Manager of The Polyolefin Company (Singapore) Pte Ltd since March 2022, overseeing the administrative function in both Jurong Island Office and HQ in Beach Road.

She has also served as the Vice Chairperson of the NTUC Women Committee, championing flexible work arrangements and work-life balance in addition to involvement in other labour movement initiatives such as membership as well as one of the union representatives in the tripartite committee for Industrial Relation Act.

Beyond Company and Union, she was able to spread her advocacy to reach out to back-to-work women, single mother projects and, currently, the Vice Chairperson for SCWO Star Shelter Committee.

From 2006 to 2010, she also championed the upholding of marriages and family values as a National Family Council Committee Member in MSF (back then known as MCYS).

From 2014 to 2018, served as 1st & 3rd Vice Presidents of the Singapore Council of Women Organisation and participated in the United Nations, NY, on Opening Group Discussion of Ageing.

In 2018, she represented NTUC at the CEDAW Convention in United Nations, Geneva.

From 2018 to 2021, Vice Chair of Mindef Advisory Council for Community Relations in Defence Accord) Participated in overseas conferences in ITUC World Conferences and Global Industrial Union.

Experience/Involvement in Charities
