Singapore Women's Association participated in the eye screening on 31st July 2022 at Lions Befriender Queenstown Mei Ling Active Ageing Centre AAC. This is an activity by Lions SaveSight Centre, various lion clubs, SNEC and SWA
SWA provided eye examination equipment and volunteers for this event. Dr Allan Fong, together with other volunteer doctors and nurses, helped provide free eye examinations for the elderly.
SWA's Singapore VisionCare Programme regularly reach out to the elderly above the age of 40 to detect any eye problems, in partnership with community clubs and senior homes.
The eye examination equipment, managed by SWA, delivered eye care services to the community for early detection and prevention of eye disorders. It is costly to maintain and replace such equipment.
Your donation can help us keep the eye examination equipment in proper working order and is crucial in allowing us to continue to help the community through the Singapore VisionCare Programme. Learn more about how you can contribute SWA
Eye screening at Befriender Queenstown Mei Ling Active Ageing Centre AAC.